Khatta Dhokla | Safed Dhokla | Idadaa Using Idli Batter + {Video}
Wednesday, September 09, 2020
Khatta Dhokla/Safed Dhokla, also known as Idadaa is made using Rice & Urad Dal.
I recently discovered that you can make some brilliant Gujarati Khatta Dhokla/Safed Dhokla using our very own Idli Batter. Karnataka style Idli batter made using Idli Rava/Idli Tari works extremely well for this recipe as the Idadaa batter is also a bit coarse in texture
The recipe for Idli Batter can be found here .. While you are at it, you might want to check my recipe for Instant Nylon Khaman here
This is yet another example of how our cuisines are different, yet quite similar in many ways

If the Batter is well fermented, there is no need to add Eno but I still went ahead & added a teaspoon of Eno for that extra softness & it turned out very soft & spongy
When Mangoes are in season, Khatta Dhokla/Idadaa are served with Aamras on the side. This combination is more of an acquired taste. My South Indian tastebuds are more accustomed to savory accompaniments so, they would taste great with a Coriander & Mint Chutney.
You Will Need
- 5-6 ladleful of Idli Batter - Enough to fill up 3/4th a round/square dish
- 3 Green Chilies - made into a paste in a mortar & a pestle
- 1 teaspoon Eno Fruit Salt
- Red Chilli Powder to sprinkle on top
- Freshly Cracked Pepper to sprinkle on top
- 1 teaspoon Peanut Oil
To Temper
- 1.5 teaspoon Oil
- 1/2 teaspoon Mustard Seeds
- A pinch of Asafoetida
Add 1/4 cup of water into a steamer basket & place a trivet inside
Take a round dish & grease it with oil
In another bowl, take 5-6 ladlefuls of Idli batter, Add some salt & Green Chile Paste & Mix well. Add Eno Fruit Salt & mix well & immediately pour into the greased dish.
Sprinkle Red Chilli Powder & Freshly cracked pepper on top & place it inside the steamer basket & close the lid
Steam for 15 minutes
Take the dish out of the basket. Pour a teaspoon of Peanut Oil evenly on top
Prepare the tempering & pour on top & cut into squares . You can also garnish with toasted sesame seeds & finely chopped fresh coriander
Serve with Coriander & Mint Chutney or Aamras when mangoes are in season

Ready to use Dhokla Flour is available at indian Stores. You need to add water to the flour & make a batter & ferment it overnight or for 6-8 hours